Wednesday, December 14, 2011


那天,表姐怜惜地抚摸着母亲的手,并叙起了儿时往事。她自小丧父,家境拮据,母亲当时毅然伸出援手,帮忙把他们三兄妹拉扯大,还对他们疼爱有加。在表姐心里,已视母亲如她母亲一般。前阵子,母亲住院时,她来探望,母亲出院后,她再来探访。回柏斯前,表姐眼泛泪光,悄悄对我说:“K, take care of your mom for me... i don't know when i'll see you'll again... there's a church opposite the hospital where i'm working... every day after work, i'll go there and pray, i want you to know, your mom and your family are always in my prayers...”身为虔诚的天主教徒,表姐深信祈祷效力,可她从不向我们传教。"Praying to God, to Mary, is like praying to Guanyin, it's the same."

Cousin, you're always in my prayers too. Keep happy, keep well!

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